Groups provide support.

Feel heard and seen. Find connection and build community with other group members.

A safe space to share your struggles, learn new skills, and feel empowered.

  • Asian American women group

    Group for all who identify as Asian American (South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, Pacific Islander, mulit/bi cultural, multi/bi racial) women (of all sexual orientations and genders within this spectrum) are welcome. We will explore family dynamics, pressures of the model minority myth, people-pleasing. Learn how to balance individual values with cultural values and navigate relationships with your family.

  • Moms group

    Come together with other moms to support each other. We will explore your roles and how always taking care of everyone else can contribute to feeling overwhelmed and lonely. Learn to identify what is important for you and how to have Me time without resorting to revenge bedtime procrastination.

Connect and receive support from others, gain greater awareness of who you are, and learn skills to have more satisfying relationships.