You are trying to balance work, all of your obligations in your various roles, and me time.

But the stress of doing all this can make you feel overwhelmed and exhausted. You are busy all the time yet not all the things that are taking up your time are what you really want to be doing. Or you are trying to have it all but your sleep ends up paying the price.

Tackle your imposter syndrome to feel more content, calm, and confident.

  • Say yes only to the things that you need or value.

    Maybe you are a high achieving perfectionist and find yourself juggling too many things like saying yes to extra work that doesn’t advance your career. You have days where you are burned out, overcommitted, and underappreciated. It doesn’t have to be this way. I can teach you to make decisions about whether your extra effort is adding value or taking up your valuable time and energy. We can look at your career goals and help you evaluate whether to quiet quit, say no to your coworkers, or determine if your job is toxic and it is time to move on.

  • Replace habits that are not working with healthy habits that serve you.

    Despite your best intentions, you have days where you are unproductive. You find yourself scrolling on social media and doing something you don’t enjoy, like cleaning, instead of working on the project with the looming deadline. Then you feel guilty for losing focus and not staying on task which further distracts you from what you need to accomplish. I can teach you to be more productive, learn stress management, and keep things in perspective by prioritizing goals so that you accomplish what is important to you.

You can have a meaningful life and a successful career.